文章来源: 神的王子2009-04-16 11:23:37
已经想写博客好一段时间了, 今天终于痛下决心, 好好回顾神最近几年在我们家的恩典. 先从2007年回顾好了.
1. 2007年初, 神带领我回到自己的家乡探亲3个月,祷告神为我预备一个家庭教会, 神是信实的, 听祷告的, 为我预备了一个非常好的家庭教会. 有一个晚上, 我上网浏览, 突然有一个念头访问一个基督教网站. 虽说我早就知道这个网站, 但很少访问. 登陆后, 直接点击寻找教会一项, 找到我所在的城市, 有不少人post留言, 大多是Email和聚会地址, 找了半天, 终于发现一个电话, 心想: let's give it a shot, just try, see how it goes. when I called the number, and a girl picked up phone. I told her that I saw her posting and phone number on that website, and looking for a church. she sounded happy and a little surprised, but quickly engaged a conversation with me. she told me that they were having a worship practice in a half hour, wondering if I want to check it out. "sure," I hesitate not, quickly promised that I will be there in a half hour. after arrival, I feel that I go back home. their worship is quite modern, compared to most of chinese churches in the North American. great! from then, they get connected with them until now. you know what, the girl whom I first called told me that she never received any call since she left the message on that website, she forgot about it already. Hei, but God remembers it, right? ha, ha. a year later, that girl left church for some reason. Amazing, isn't it? it seems like that she posted her phone number just for me! unbelievable, but everything is possible in God. when I look back, I know it is God's hand directing me to that house church.