文章来源: 废话多多2010-08-20 09:56:46

英文 “rat” 不是一个好词,经常被用来形容[小人],[告密者],做动词时便是[打小报告]。我对英文把鼠年称为 “The Year of Rat” 颇有异议。因平常用小鼠作实验,前些天在系里作报告时,趁机光大了一下我中华文化。

It is said there’s a “Year of Rat” in Chinese calendar, it’s actually a “Year of Mouse”. Because, we don’t have “rats” in China.

A rat is a big mouse.(大老鼠)
A squirrel is a mouse in a pine tree.(松鼠)
A chipmunk is a mouse with stripes.(花栗鼠)
A mole is a mouse that lives in dark.(鼹鼠)
A guinea pig is a mouse that looks like a pig.(豚鼠,又称荷兰猪)
A hamster is a mouse with large cheeks for storing food.(大颊鼠,又称仓鼠)
A kangaroo is a mouse with a pouch.(袋鼠)
(Well, so it's not really a mouse, but that’s what we call it.)

However, a mouse, is just a mouse.

