文章来源: yimei19262013-05-11 22:25:57


今天是母亲节,我把给儿子的短信贴此已作纪念,那里面有我最甜蜜的母亲节的记忆。刚刚陪我父亲去诊所作检查时看到一位年轻的亚洲女孩送给她的母亲一束鲜花,说"Happy mother's day!", 而后陪她母亲等医生。 我真羡慕。 

祝天下的母亲们都有个快乐幸福的母亲节!They well deserve it!

Hi, son,

I still remember the happiest Mother's Day was when you brought me the breakfast (dumpling soup) to my bed and also a bunch of flowers at bedside table back to Adelaide home when you were about 11 or 12 year old. Especially I remember that you pretended to be a waiter with a white towel in your left forearm, retreating slowly backwards out of my bedroom door after serving the breakfast. That amusing performance made me very happy and brought smile from bottom of my heart.

After so many years, today, I become the happy mother again when you bought me the following excellent headphone, and gave me so many my favorite music and songs in my IPhone.

Furthermore, you told me the great news that you had passed the final stage to complete your Masters Degree, this made me even happier. Congratulations, and many thanks.



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