母亲节心愿 (含两首七绝)
文章来源: yimei19262009-05-09 07:58:53


不知从哪年起, 我开始在母亲节时给国内的母亲寄母亲节的贺卡, 后改为电话问候。记得 1992 年我读研究生时旁听了一门课,和当时大四( honor )学生们去中澳野外考察及参观,有一天我们的车路过一小镇,在放松休息的几分钟里,有个小伙去电话亭打电话,我听到有个同学说“Chris is paying tribute to his mum on Mother’s day”, 大家才意识到那天是母亲节。也许我是在 Chris 的影响下开始记得在每个母亲节时向母亲问候。

今年三月我亲爱的母亲已升了天堂, 每当我想到她就伤心落泪;那晚去听音乐会,著名男高音唱“母亲”,我又忍不住了。今天是母亲节,我只好用第一首诗来表达自己对母亲的敬佩和感恩之意。用第二首诗表达在晚秋时对母亲的悲切思念心情和不能更好报答母亲的歉意。



忠夫爱子擎天柱 ,慷慨为人获赞扬。




并在此向天国里的母亲献上我们家前花园的一朵玫瑰花(Double delight)。祝愿她幸福安康,无忧无虑。



Your mother is always with you

She’s the whisper of the leaves as you walk down the street.

She’s the smell of certain foods you remember.

flowers you pick and perfume that she wore.

She’s the cool hand on your brow when you’re not feeling well.

She’s your breath in the air on a cold winter’s day.

She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep.

The colours in the rainbow.

She is Christmas morning.

Your Mother lives inside your laughter.

And she’s crystallized in every tear drop.

A mother shows every emotion……

All the while, hoping and praying

you will only know the good feelings in life.

She's the place you came from.  

She is your first home,  

and she's the map you following with every step you take.  

She’s your first love,

your first friend.

Nothing on earth can separate you.

Not time, not space…not even death!

Nicky Vergano