文章来源: 英语作业2010-03-05 11:29:50




1. Adjectives come before the noun they describe.形容描写)


            The young boy carried the heavy box.

                       a.      n.                      a.       n.


In this sentence, young describes boy and heavy describes box.


2. Complements: adjectives after the verb be


Adjectives can be used in another way. If the main verb of a

sentence is a form of be, the adjective can come after the verb.

The adjective is called a complement.补语


The boy is young.       The box is heavy.

         n.         a.                    n.        a.


My uncle is rich.          Paris is beautiful.

         n.         a.               n.          a.


That music is loud!      Jim is sleepy.

         n.         a.          n.          a.


That house is big.        That house is green.   That house is big and green.

       n.         a.                    n.           a.                 n.           a.           a.


Adjectives are very important in writing, so be sure that you use them correctly.