读史札记 之 慌报军功
文章来源: 席琳2006-04-26 13:09:02





无名氏画, 1894

Drawing on imaginative representations of famous battles, the artists of the Sino-Japanese War prints were continuing a tradition of colourful dramatic battle images designed to captivate the viewer. A realistic record of actual events was not the aim. It is this strain of fantasy which distinguishes the Chinese prints. Stereotypes from Chinese military tales, including brave generals, dashing footsoldiers and cowardly enemies, populate the images. Although the course of the Sino-Japanese War did not fit this pattern, the print makers, who were usually anonymous, continued to produce scenes that appealed to their audiences and made no attempt to break with the usual conventions of composition. By the 1890s, the quality of most Chinese popular prints had declined from the fine standards of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Indistinct outlining and carelessly applied blocks of colour are common features of the Chinese prints in the Sino-Japanese War series.

















The Japanese prints depict actual events of battles which were followed with intense interest by the Japanese and international communities. For the Chinese artists, the shock of defeat by Japan was too great to absorb, and auspicious images of victory were transmitted to the court and people of China, perpetuating the myth of China's invincibility.












