the secret - reading 1
文章来源: billnet2010-09-10 15:32:31
最近想跟读“The Secret部分内容,陆续贴一些,请大家指正。

We\'re all working with one power, one law, it\'s attraction.
The secret is the law of attraction. Everything that\'s coming into your life, you are attracting into your life. And it\'s attracted to you by virtue of the image as you\'re holding in your mind. It\'s what\'s you\'re thinking. You see, whatever is going on in your mind, you\'re attracting to you. Now wise people\'ve always known that. You go right back to the ancient Babylonians, they\'ve always known this, it\'s a small select group of people. Why do you think that 1% of the population earns around 96% of all the money that\'s being earned? Do you think that\'s an accident? It\'s no accident. It\'s designed that way. They understand something. They understand the secret. And you\'re being introduced to the secret.