文章来源: georgiagirl2009-04-27 13:49:52

我喜欢喝咖啡, 每当看到有关咖啡的事, 我都要读一下. 读到喝咖啡有益健康时, 我会沾沾自喜, 瞧, 喝咖啡

对健康有益, 于是每天理直气壮地煮咖啡, 喝咖啡; 当读到喝咖啡对健康不利时, 我又忧心忡忡, 每天煮咖

啡时, 有点犹豫不决, 喝咖啡时更是深感不安. 这从一定程度上影响了我喝咖啡的心情. 于是我决定在喝与

不喝咖啡一事上, 作出自己的决定. 权衡再三, 我还是决定喝! 人生苦短! 

从今以后, 无论我读到有关咖啡的一切, 我都决定我行我素. 做了决定的我, 已对咖啡的评价抱着无所谓的

态度. 奇怪的是, 好消息频传. 今天又读到一篇. 转发如下.

日本人每年都要消费大量的咖啡, 为探寻咖啡究竟能否起到防癌作用, 日本东北大学的研究人员对日本<<

身心研究>>杂志提供的被调查者和咖啡等饮食方面的数据进行了分析. 数据显示, 在38000名40-64岁无癌

症史的被调查人群中, 有157人在随后的13年中罹患口腔癌; 咽喉癌和食道癌. 与不喝咖啡的人相比, 那些

每天喝一杯或几杯咖啡的被调查者罹患上述癌症的风险可降低一半. 研究结果刊登在美国<<流行病学


研究者称, 咖啡的防癌作用, 尤其是对吸烟喝酒者等癌症高威人群的保护作用是他们没有想到的. 这与他

们以前认为咖啡致癌的看法有本质的区别. 他们认为, 尽管戒烟戒酒是预防上述癌症的最流行的观点, 但


我高兴得又去买了几袋咖啡. 今天买的是 World's finest coffees! Mark Ferrari specialty coffees. 两袋8 oz. 的

whole bean被装在一个盒中. 盒子的背后印着Mark Ferrari 的照片. 一个蛮handsome 的中年男人. 他还写道:

In every bag of coffee there is a dream fulfilled,
within every coffee bean there is a passion,
in every cup there is a smile.
And with every sip there is a story to tell. . .

My story began in 1986 in the quaint little town of Holualoa Hawaii, the heart of Kona coffee country. Immediately I was fascinated by the coffee industry and soon became determined to learn and develop the craft and art of coffee rosting. I was furtunate to study under the direction of one of Hawaii's most notable and foremost Master coffee Roaster. Over the years, I was taught the intricate details of the art in the traditional style. Creating finished roasts that were  incomparable. After attaining the title of roastmaster, my aspirations soon led me to discover other fine coffees  around the world, and finally to proundly present to you my signature collection. Roastery fresh! A difference you will happily notice. Enjoy!

What a great way to add a little personal touch to 他的产品.

每天清晨一杯咖啡在手, 在沾着晨露的花园中, 问候我的每一朵花, 每一棵树, What a great way to start my day!