好笑est Mom
文章来源: breezebrook2009-10-22 16:53:10

邻居小韩同学的奶奶大半年前从国内带来一只小狗, 浑身雪白,白线团一样毛茸茸的, 煞是可爱。 小韩妈妈是典型的韩国贤妻良母,除了天天早中晚三顿伺候着外, 中途还喂点心。今天早上在 bus stop 碰到她, 她幽幽地对我说:"Bomer is going to be a daddy next month” . 我大吃一惊, "Bomer ?This little guy ?”

“ Yeah,  can u believe it? ”

“ Of course not,  he’s so young,  how did that happen? ”

“ Oh, a few month ago, we went to our friend’s house for sleepover, that’s why. ”

“ OMG, bad Bomer. ”

下午回家后, 一进门女儿就问我:"Mom ,have we ever had a pet before?"

Mom: “Yeah, a Hermit crab “.

Daughter: “Then what happened?”

Mom: “Gone.”

Daughter: “How?”.

Mom: “Hungry”.

Daughter: “How about after that?”

Mom: “ A fish.”

Daughter: “Then where is it now?”

Mom: “Gone, same reason.”

Daughter: “So can we have a dog now?”

Mom: ” I’m afraid not, enough is enough , I already have two – U and your DD.”

DD: “ hahaha, Mom, we are not dogs, U are the 好笑est mom in the whole world.”