文章来源: 北美老农2009-03-04 19:32:50

儿子学中文,有一篇关于岳飞小时家境贫寒买不起纸笔而用沙盘练字的故事。儿子问我知不知道中国古代百战百胜的将军岳飞。我说当然知道,难道你不记得我和你四年前到过“岳王庙”吗?我翻出了几年前我俩在岳飞铜像前拍的照片。岳飞威风凛凛地站在大厅中央,背后是他流转千古的诗篇《满江红 - 写怀》。岳王庙中的《满江红》是草书,不宜读懂。

为了让儿子更深刻地理解岳飞,我和女儿一起把《满江红》翻成了英文。虽然参照了一些已有的译文( http://www.crazyenglish.org/zhuantiyingyu/duanyujiangjie/20081014/24046.html ),但有许多地方不满意。请各位大虾指正。

n ù f ā ch ō ng gu ā n ,

怒发冲冠 ,

My raging hair pushes off my helmet,

p í ng l á n ch ù , xi ā o xi ā o y ǔ xi ē


Grasping the fence, pounding thunderstorm has ceased.

T á i w à ng y ǎ n


Lift my gaze and look to the frontier,

y ǎ ng ti ā n ch á ng xi à o


And I roar towards the sky,

Zhu à ng hu á i j ī li è


Great ambitions boil inside my chest.

s ā n sh í g ō ng m í ng ch é n y ǔ t ǔ

三十功名尘与土 ,

Time flies, thirty years’ achievements and glory are already dust and soil;

b ā qi ā n l ǐ l ù y ú n h é yu è


Defending my country, I have marched eight thousand li with clouds and moon.

m ò d ě ng xi á n


Do not idle away your days,

B á i le sh à o ni á n t ó u


By the time a young man’s hair turns white,

k ō ng b ē i qi è


Regret would have come too late.

J ì ng k ā ng ch ǐ

靖康耻 ,

The nation’s shame in the year of Jing Kang,

Y ó u w è i xu ě


Is yet to be wiped away.

Ch é n z ǐ h è n


The hate towards the enemy as a minister and citizen,

h é sh í mi è


When can it end?

ji à ch á ng j è

驾长车 ,

Let us drive our chariots,

t à p ò h è l á n sh ā n que


To crash the He-Lan mountain pass.

zhu à ng zh ì j ī c ā n h ú l ǔ r ò u


Fighting with enormous will, we feast on invaders’ flesh when hungry;

Xi à o t á n k ě y ǐ xi ō ng n ú xi ě


Laughing and chatting, we quench with Xiongnu’s blood when thirsty.

d à i c ó ng t ó u


Let us start and wait for the day

sh ō u shi ji ù sh ā n h é


To take back all our lost land and rivers,

ch á o ti ā n qu è


And report our final victory to the Heavenly Palace.

顶置 (〉250 readers)

• 父子情深!可敬可佩!:如何翻译这首词? -一语湖边_lakeshore- ♂ 给 一语湖边_lakeshore 发送悄悄话 一语湖边_lakeshore 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (9 reads) 3/5/09 
• 回复:一首刚烈英豪的诗!诚难! -一语湖边_lakeshore- ♂ 给 一语湖边_lakeshore 发送悄悄话 一语湖边_lakeshore 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 3/5/09 
• 中式英文。用詞不當。 -海外逸士- ♂ 给 海外逸士 发送悄悄话 海外逸士 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 3/7/09 
• 敬佩,联系实际,父子情深!就当今美国经济,读岳飞《满江红》有感 -一语湖边_lakeshore- ♂ 给 一语湖边_lakeshore 发送悄悄话 一语湖边_lakeshore 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (7 reads) 3/5/09 
• please pay more attention to grammar. let's me start: -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (128 bytes) (25 reads) 3/5/09 
• 回复:please pay more attention to grammar. let's me start: -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (100 bytes) (12 reads) 3/5/09 
• 英文诗也要讲究修辞。for instance here -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (83 bytes) (9 reads) 3/6/09 
• also see -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (62 bytes) (7 reads) 3/6/09 
• let's me start? -点点儿- ♀ 给 点点儿 发送悄悄话 点点儿 的个人博客首页 (3 bytes) (15 reads) 3/6/09 
• haha, i noticed it right after i posted it, your english is good -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (20 bytes) (4 reads) 3/6/09 
• 你是我城里的唯一的英文知音 -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (4 bytes) (11 reads) 3/6/09 
• I hope you know what are you talking about ;) -醉狐- ♀ 给 醉狐 发送悄悄话 醉狐 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 3/6/09 
• 知我者 不过三 城外二 城里一 哈 -justjust- ♂ 给 justjust 发送悄悄话 justjust 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 3/6/09 
• 回复:知我者 不过三 城外二 城里一 哈 -醉狐- ♀ 给 醉狐 发送悄悄话 醉狐 的个人博客首页 (0 bytes) (6 reads) 3/6/09