If you ever ask, ...
文章来源: 朱才哙2011-02-23 16:19:51

  • Abusive
    • What's the matter, stupid, don't you know the answer?

  • Ambivalence
    • Well, it could be yes and it could be no.

  • Amnesia
    • I forget.

  • Antipathy
    • You would have to ask me that.

  • Amorous
    • I love the way you ask that question.

  • Apathy
    • I don't care.

  • Apologetic
    • I'm sorry that you have to ask me that.

  • Argumentative
    • Are you looking for a fight?

  • Authoritarian
    • I'll tell you when you can ask me questions!

  • Bigotry
    • I'm not going to tell someone like you.

  • Blasphemous
    • God Dammit, I told you not to ask!

  • Compulsive
    • I want to tell you right now, I have to tell you right now!

  • Conditional
    • Well, it depends.

  • Damnation
    • You and your questions can go to hell!

  • Depressed
    • You would have to ask me that.

  • Dyslexic
    • Gniees sdrawkcab.

  • Egotistical
    • I'm the best person to answer that question.

  • Evasive
    • Have you done your homework today?

  • Exhausted
    • I'm too tired to answer you right now.

  • Flatulent
    • That question really stinks!

  • Greedy
    • What's in it for me if I tell you?

  • Hemorrhoids
    • You know, this is a real pain in the butt!

  • Hostility
    • If you ask me just one more question, I'll kill you!

  • Hypochondriacal
    • The thought of it makes me sick.

  • Ignorance
    • I don't know.

  • Indifference
    • It doesn't matter.

  • Influenza
    • You've got to be sick to ask me that question.

  • Insecure
    • I don't think I want to know the answer to that question.

  • Insensitive
    • I don't care if you don't know the answer.

  • Insomnia
    • I stayed awake all last night thinking of the answer.

  • Intoxicated
    • ** BURP **

  • Irreverent
    • I swear to God, you ask too many questions!

  • Masturbation
    • I can single-handedly answer that question.

  • Narcissism
    • Before I answer, tell me, don't I look great?

  • Nausea
    • That question is going to make me vomit.

  • Nonchalant
    • It's not important.

  • Obstinate
    • I'm not going to tell you.

  • Over-Protective
    • I don't know if you're ready for the answer.

  • Over-Sensitive
    • How could you ask me a question like that?

  • Paranoid
    • You think I don't know the answer, don't you?

  • Pessimistic
    • I'm sure I won't give the right answer.

  • Procrastination
    • I'll tell you tomorrow.

  • Repetitive
    • I already told you the answer once before.

  • Sarcastic
    • That's a stupid question to ask me.

  • Secretive
    • I can't tell you right now.

  • Seductive
    • Lets go somewhere private where I can answer that for you.

  • Self-Centered
    • Well, I know the answer, that's all that matters.

  • Senile
    • When I was your age, we couldn't ask these questions.

  • Subjective
    • It's all in how you look at the question.

  • Suspicious
    • Why are you asking me all these questions?

  • Temperamental
    • What the heck do you want to know that for???