文章来源: AnaZhang2009-03-24 09:21:52

This was written by his wife on his Mass General blog a few minutes ago.It is truly touching and expresses a note filled with tremendous love and sacrifice. I am praying for a miracle.

Hi Everyone,
This is Rob\'s wife Wendy. I just wanted you all to know that Rob will soon be leaving us for good to go to heaven. They say that it will happen within the next 24-48 hours. He is still at home because I know that is where he wanted to be. I cannot controll somethings, but this is one last thing that I can do for him. He is very out of it and is not himself right now.
I want to thank everyone for all of there incrediable support. It has made this nightmare a little less hellish. These past few weeks have been a gift to Rob and I. He got to say his good-byes, be with those who love him, cuddle with the animals, laugh and be himself at home.
Thoughout all of this his will to live has kept him going. He has a spirit that will live on in all of us. I know that he has touched each and everyone of your lives as he has mine.
He will lay to rest in NY. The funeral will be on Long Island (Farmingdale/Babaloyn- at Star of David Memorial Chapels) and I will post more info within the next couple of days...so check the carepages site on a regular basis.
For all of you that cannot make it to NY, know that it is fine. It is more important that you were with him in life then at the time that is about to come. However, know that the funeral will truely be Rob Style it will be webcasted by the funeral home for those of you that want to be apart of it, but cannot make it in person. You go to the Star of David Memorial Chapels webasite and then click on webcasts-funereal-then type in Robert Fishbein.
I will leave you with this thought...
There is no-one that I know who has enjoyed his time here on earth more than my Eternal valentine.

Love Always,