Are you going to convert to Muslim
文章来源: 2008-09-17 04:16:36

回答: 沙特的工作机会赌球为生2008-09-15 18:55:03

Replied by ntking:
Are you going to convert to Muslim? If so you will be eligible to having up to four wives -- lots of people kind of like the idea. Folks there also have lots of holidays, like the one-month long Ramadan -- Happy Ramadan! (is it cool?:))

There is bad news, too, you may be too late to be there -- women no longer available as they may have been well taken by those with four, four! (Do they care about any other men? Can you imagine it?!)

Anyhow, money-wise speaking, I don't think it's a bad idea, the US is now heading to deep trouble --- thanks to www.bush and his headless buddies (they should be sent to Iraq, and there is no need to get back). It's really not bad idea to make money in Saudi for a couple years, then return to US when it's out of trouble (if you don't mind ohter men get four wives, but you can only think about it, with even no women in the street to look at).

哈哈。。说得真逗,笑死了!极其在理, 顶!!! 值得1try.
no, the men with 4 LPs don't care about any other men, not at all.
but you can sill enjoy the long Ramadan. Happy Ramadan!!!