文章来源: 2008-10-26 08:59:11
America is about to elect a Marxist, racist, pro-Islam megalomaniac who, like all lawyers, is trained to look you right in the eye and lie so convincingly that even when presented the truth side by side, most will choose to believe the lie;

who is less qualified to be President than any man in the history of Presidential elections;

who has promised a trillion dollars or more in new government spending and huge tax increases in a nose-diving economy, repeating the mistakes of Hoover and FDR that resulted in the Great Depression;

who claims to be the agent of change, yet welled up from the depths of the most corrupt political mill in the nation;

who could not even become an FBI or secret service agent because of his ties to terrorists;

and who can not even pass Constitutional muster as a natural-born citizen.

It is inconceivable that enough Americans could be so completely brainwashed, misinformed, and hypnotized by the socialist headlights as to elect this disaster; and yet the more horrifying information we learn about Obama, the more his poll numbers seem to solidify. America is on the verge of slashing its own throat with its left hand, and there seems to be nothing the right hand can do to stop the suicide.


Please forward these and other similar links to anyone you know who still thinks Obama and even bigger Democratic majorities in Congress are the solution to the nation's problems. If Obama is elected, he and Congress have already made it absolutely clear that they will take any action necessary to silence such opposing viewpoints.