文章来源: 走马读人2016-01-02 18:12:49

我的一個密碼可以簡化所有單字  美国艺术家用一张图画出整个宇宙

我將出版聖經專門字解秘, 将是下一个项目,由4声破译,大约100-150页,$10. 將通知.

我的words secret 發現將帶來認識世界的變化,
但是我所求教的人, 他們不能放下身段,

wish you could write to  Amazon that why this book can not be found in Chinese category, because someone intended to block me.  归"学习中文"类会有更多的读者. yes. but they refuse to correct. that is money oriented.

Q: 我在Amazon没有建立Account,也不知道去哪里帮你,如果告诉我投诉的渠道,我可以试试。

A: I  assume you can spread this word to many your church members,  or schools  by posting on a noteboards.

Raptured rapper 歡天喜地敲門人,新年福袋如何比--word secret solver beats Japanese as well as all others.