Why is the word language composed by these letters?
文章来源: 走马读人2015-01-22 17:28:43
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"This means to our ears j sounds like halfway between our j and dz, q halfway between our ch and ts, x half between zh=jr ch=chr sh=shr。霍克斯加上r主要是提醒英国人发这三个音时要卷舌,尽量夸张一点才正宗。说到r,汉语儿化音er也是难点,霍克斯特意打了个比方:Er sounds somewhat like the word  err  pronounced a strong English West 语拼音中的大部分元音英国人都可以念出来,只有字母i有点麻烦。这个字母看似简单,但是拼音规则其实相当繁复。按照霍克斯的总结,这个i在辅音b、d、j、l、m、n、p、q、t、x、y之后读see中的ee音;但在zh、chi、shi、z、c、s、r 的读音是 a strangled sound somewhere between the u of suppose and a vocalized a(如suppose中的u音与a之间的一种压抑的声音)。如果这还不够繁琐的话,记住i在u之后读ay,如way"