文章来源: 走马读人2013-05-04 20:25:52


自命不凡人厭豬,配色自然方為主。    8 English words p-    piggish, priggish,...

Difference is as wide as gulf
gulf is wider than bay
bay is barked by canine
canine like mine

规避人生的十个心灵陷阱 (ZT)

1、草率:失败者的根源;        2、张扬:浅薄者的朋友;
5、傲慢:无法支持的尊严;    6、多疑:负重心灵的枷锁;
9、侥幸:自我欺骗的放纵;   10、嫉妒:暴露自己的无能。


1, hasty: the root of the losers;     2, assertive:  friend of shallow;        3, conceited: self-expansion of the ignorant;   4, stubborn: to Panju mind stupid unobservant;    5. arrogant: dignity that can not be supported;       6, suspiciousness: weight of the shackles of the mind;   7, blind obedience: the loss of their own poor man;   8, paranoia: too self-dedication;   9, a fluke: the indulgence of self-deception;
10, envy: to expose their incompetence.