扬清激浊, 今日析之 Nov 6 2012
文章来源: 走马读人2012-10-28 11:48:03
书画 how and why
How to analyze these two characters?
What is in 书-book hidden connection?
"Our practice proves that what is perceived cannot at once be comprehended and that only what is comprehended can be more deeply perceived. Perception only solves the problem of phenomena; theory alone can solve the problem of essence. The solving of both these problems is not separable in the slightest degree from practice."
Solving these problems means that as a painter I have not created some works with influence comparable to some, due to inclemency of my environment mainly (I had couple of piece was close to a meaningful creation though), I will leave my mark in linguistic and related to cultural research and reconstruction indirectly from my art practice and my achievement in word analysis has much important value than some played Chinese characters but stay outside of the core.

扬清激浊, 今日析之  11.6.12
Today tried to analyze these two, basically convincible.

And it has symbolic meaning for my position in this area. Toast.



炖煮水果趣横生 8 English words

混乱话难讲  5 words

後者或许留刻痕  6 English words d- d- b- b- sc-

一丝不足令今人愧疚, 万无一失时惜昔年光景   高山仰之

毛骨悚然蠕动,终於变为废物creepy and ?
倾注酒一杯  3 English words  d-
有时停滞 有时可塑
有时创造 有时陈腐
立体教育 成形修补
孩子涂泥 栽培有术  6 English words p-

Today after Dr.Sun's "Comerades keeping striving", I found out a reasonable statement to explain the word Mr. It is there but nobody but me who cares. Another copper brick for the hall of fame, oo-ah."Mr.President, let me tell you something..." that is illusion of 08 and 00    11 12 12