小人施展诡 4 Shi
文章来源: 走马读人2012-10-21 16:59:09

边比(jiao)安,变便安 万变不离宗本安
道藏刀,倒须导  避马行人到边道

小人施展诡 施放烟弹飞
施加重枷背 正人施政累
4 English words

Magnanimity 容人的雅量
I posted riddle related post to two forums, which are deleted as detestable i guess...the monitor does not in favor of it or maybe is narrow minded. Guess most readers are the same. This provoked me to quit from most of this city. Bad changed to good, he or she did good for saving my time. We both need to examine our self.

丢在监禁地 铅笔好忧郁 光线锥何用 解禁须沉思 3 English words

頭面人物 跛腳博士 紅極一時 華人之恥  --涉贪百万美元自杀

土地去歹D變藍,藍加瓜葛gua-ge語言,報導看了半天,不識是覽是藍是懶是濫是...  Lam's death

虛無縹緲飄浮游 婊子標誌第一腿 剽竊剽悍神飄逸 漂亮票價第一位 嫖客玩耍飄飄然 瞟他一眼也倒胃 9 piao

您我不分方为凝 合成一体我不存 *有口似争不厌晚 汉英凝结实难分 An English word c- hint is in *

频繁来往结亲朋 时有摩擦久磨损 每将冷淡对琐碎 不让轻浮压霜重金钱消耗起烦躁 时间浪费尤惊恐 暴跳如雷加油煎 旧货不鲜愁换新梳洗一番显鲜艳 早晨开始精力充 12 English words