Chinese word group study is a gold mine
文章来源: 走马读人2011-02-17 03:55:19
I used less Chinese-English dictionary just as I rarely use English in my occupation. Now I'm probing Chinese phrase and found out some tricks that linguistician may ignored. For instance, what are the tones of "fuyan liaoshi","mosuo" and why?
Is that important?
Oh yes, sometimes, not always, it is a matter of life and death.
Can you tell a little bit in detail?
Well, it is better to start one's own study before one could feel the weight of this question, no short cut for this quite complicated issue.
Good-good-study, good-good-lucky!
Do You think they are authority for their native language?'s explanation is poor compared with that of
中英: what is a secret in the structure of thesetwo character?
Also for : north, south,west, east and thousands more..........................................
