文章来源: 走马读人2008-12-26 17:43:03
兩林(Stalin, Lin Biao)

謎:毛澤東為啥成功? (因)蔣介石飛往台灣。
hint: (1 Dec.9th  movement 相關人物)。Riddle: Why did Mao success? (Because) Chiang kai- sheck flew to Taiwan. ( A figure in the Dec.9th Movement
2008-12-09 07:42:36
Riddle: JIng4 tian yi4 ren2 yu4, nong4 tong fei zi4 xue2 2008-12-25  Worship the Lord and control one's lust, Leared not by self-study. (2 Chinese words)
Riddle: The Jade Emperor and the Dragon King are out from a same dye vat.    (4x Chinese words)


Riddle: A marshal defends a Chairman (of the Millitary   2008-12-28 07:22:33
Committee of CCP) ( Guess a Guo player)
謎語:元帥捍衛主席(軍事委員會) (猜測go player)

Snobbish translator:


比利時 vs. 莫三鼻給, now 莫桑比克
英國 vs. 印度
 America and 丹麥 vs. 墨西哥...
