梅影同志:你滴贴一蛋贴出,就成为集体共产. 书上说-->
文章来源: 全信书2008-08-07 13:44:25


谁也无权删. Neither does 美国老土 (in theory), He is just the CEO, who occasionally broke the rules --- which he should not. ~~

However, you have all the rights to refuse sharing your furture IP.

BTW, the worst thing you can do is de-gifting.

However (seriously), I 90% support your opinions about your work related issues. Some people used double standards -- one to you and the other to themselves. With that said, you do have some serious problems in your work. Address them or you will not last long.

Maybe (just maybe) I will write a posting in the future for you.

Best wishes.

最后,不许删此贴!!!! (Saved to my blog~~)