文章来源: 临江仙2010-04-20 08:15:32
昨天关于照片的贴我后来才看见, 可惜没能第一时间跟大家起哄玩. 几位网友的支持和帮助让我挺感动的. 感谢的话我就不多说了, 记在心里. 知道自己上网这么长时间, 起码没被人当坏人, 挺知足的 :D. 将来就算离开这里, 也可以毫无愧疚的让后人在WXC临江仙那块墓碑上刻下:

上联: “除了岁数老点, 人长得惨点, 生活贫困点, 其它做人的指标还算过得去.”
下联: “except that she is old, ugly, and poor, she is a decent person.”
横批: “普通好人一个”

对于照片一事, 我进行了一些深度思考.

国人顽固的以貌取人的陋习何时才能消亡呢? 你要说外国人也这样, 人家起码不那么明目张胆公开场合这么干吧? 世界最高学府的博士, 按说也是个深受西方文明熏陶的文化人儿, 怎么最关心的只有照片上的外形, 年纪到底58还是62, 尺寸是B还是C呢?

二百年前的简.爱, 一个贫穷的英国家庭教师, 喊出了代表西方人文主义精神的经典名句:

“………Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong!--I have as much soul as you,--and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh;--it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal,--as we are!”

二百年后, 堂堂藤校精英, 不写则以, 写则通篇的是对human anatomy的露骨描述, 胸, 腿, fake不fake, voluptuous……半字不提思想, 精神, 及心灵. So low and lame and superficial and shallow. Classmates, do you understand now why my soul looks down on his soul? lol.

是时代退步了还是我们东方人就不如西方人? 西方的人文主义和平等自由就进入不到我们的血液中去? When can we forget about people’s appearance, age, color, race, sexual preference and degree, but focus on people’s inner beauty/personality and brain?

ldldld在昨天的留言中说: “那不是说, 即使(临)长得丑+沧桑,他还是喜欢吗?”

ld同学, 你怎么那么天真? zz也是人, I mean, zz也是猪, ok? 你不信换个比芙蓉姐姐长相的一半都不如的, 就算智商赛过居里夫人, 看他还有这份闲心. lol. Not that I’m that much better then FRJJ, ok? But if zz thinks so, what can I say? :D

今天的临江仙幸运的是捣吃5分钟就能出门见人, 甚至偶尔有点回头率, 62高龄了还有一颗年轻的心. 万一我不幸生来是个丑八怪, 或者人老珠黄, 一脸沧桑+褶子, 就算再才华过人 (again, not that I think I’m pretty or talented, ok? I never consider myself a beauty and that’s why I’ve been working on 讲人品), 以肚子和藤校博士为首的一些pig, 会像现在这样见到我还能挤出张笑脸, 愿意跟我做朋友吗? 答案肯定是否定的.

悲哀~! 我为中国传统糟铂中的以貌取人感到悲哀!

不管有没有用, 我都要再次呼吁, 请忘记照片, 忘记大小和美丑, 看看我们的内在美~. 顺便也请同学们放心, 我是决不会向这些肤浅低俗的家伙屈服的, my mother has warned me about people like them: not trust worthy!


附: 事情的起因

说说LR那张照片   by 左右逢源/亚当撕蜜

ZZ is not surprised, at all, at the two extreme oppinions, 本来嘛,秦皇汉武还毁誉参半呢。当然喽,LR不是秦皇汉武,zz也不是, 毛主席也不是. LR只是个走猫步的毛豆, and in that regard, LR据说18岁就开始走秀,and she's 62 today and still walking strong(老人家自己说的), 已经走了40多年了(zz帮她算的, as she's mot mathematically sophiscated enough to perform these operations, nor was she adequately equiped physiologically with that many finders,lol)... 走了这么多年秀,形象应该说的过去,因为走猫步的智商可能都不高,sorry, 我是说肯定都不高,但是台下的观众都不傻,至少不都傻。lol...

还有,别见了个大胸就叫fake, supermodel里也有voluntuous的, 你看看人家Tara, Legend has is that she, i mean they are real, and they are spectacular.

但是我就纳了闷了,怎么那么低分辨率的一张照片(BTW, that's another proplem we had with LR, but that's a discussion for another day),就让人看出沧桑+褶子了呢? 我们批评(或者表扬)一个同志,要本着实事求是的态度。而且,萝卜青菜,各有所爱,十个手指头伸出来还有长度短,这不奇怪。不过据zz目测, LR的两条腿,在误差允许范围内,基本上还是一样长的,you know, supermodel嘛~

BTW,那张照片是zz不小心看到的,真的是不小心看到的,觉得还不错,就贴出来了,你要是觉得LR长得丑+沧桑,per se, zz没意见,不过你要是觉得zz的眼光有问题,zz就要伤心了,lol...

ZZ又要travel了, 可能几天来不了这儿了,同意zz观点的,晚上自己给自己加个菜,不同意zz观点的,就不要浪费粮食了, OK?lol...