文章来源: ge_mimi2010-07-15 18:37:58
1)马齿苋炒蛋:先将马齿苋择去杂物,用温水泡10分钟,清水洗净,用刀切成段,备用。把鸡蛋打散,加入马齿苋调匀,加入精盐、料酒、酱油、味精少许,调味。炒锅刷洗净,烧热,下油,将马齿苋和鸡蛋倒入锅内炒熟,趁热佐餐食用。把马齿苋洗净后放在滚水里过了一遍, 捞出来用手把水分挤出来才切段儿放进鸡蛋里的. (这么做是因为我在另一个地方看见, 马齿苋的草酸含量很大).
6)马齿苋酸奶沙拉5 large Cucumber, peeled, seeded and cut into quarter-round slices* 1/4 pound Purslane, large stems removed, washed and drained well* 2 tablespoons each, Fresh chopped mint, cilantro and chervil* 4 cups Whole milk yogurt* 1/4 cup Virgin olive oil* 3 cloves Garlic, puréed with the blade of a knife* 2 teaspoon ground Coriander* kosher Salt and ground Black PepperPlace the cucumber, purslane and herbs into a large bowl. In another bowl, stir together the yogurt, olive oil and garlic, coriander and season to taste with salt. Add the yogurt mixture to the vegetables and mix well. Add a pinch of ground black pepper. Taste the dressed cucumber-purslane salad for seasoning, adding a little more salt if needed. Serve chilled.