My Journal (Days 101-120)
文章来源: 和雨2005-06-11 13:54:30

Austin Chutian's 101st-120th days

May 21, 2005, Saturday
A party was held for me.  I was joined by Uncle Shan and Aunt Sherry, Uncle Bob, Aunt Barbara and Sister Lauren, and "Great Grandpa" Warren.

May 22, 2005, Sunday
We visited a waterfall called Wadsworth.  It was awesome.  Dad said Niagra Falls are much bigger, but this one is much nearer to our home.
We then visited "Me-Me", who lives in a very nice and peaceful neighborhood.  She is like my "great grandma".  Today "Me-Me" became my first babysitter when my parents and grandma went for a walk.

May 24, 2005, Tuesday
Mom and grandma took me to Twin Brooks Park again.  We like it so much that we have been there many times.  But today we got lost in the woods.  It took us long time to find the way back.

May 28, 2005, Saturday
Last night I reached a milestone: I slept through the whole night.  Mom and dad were excited.
Today we went to two places with natural scenes.  The first is Indian Well where we saw another waterfall.  The other one is William Wolfe Park where we saw a quiet lake.  We love the nature.

May 29, 2005, Sunday
I went to New York City for the 2nd time.  This time we visited the ruin of the World Trade Center, passed by Wall Street, and walked along Hudson River bank near Battery Park.

June 1, 2005, Wednesday
Dad told me today is the international children's day.  He wrote a poem for me. 
Our neighbor Aunt Barbara came to check the rash on my chin.

June 2, 2005, Thursday
We went to Pedi Care to treat the rash.  I weighed 14 lb 8 oz!

June 4, 2005, Saturday
Today is very hot.  We spent some time in a street festival called Stratford Day.  We also visited Uncle Shan and Aunt Sherry's home in the evening.

June 5, 2005, Sunday
Dad drove to Boston with grandma.  I stayed home with only my mom.  It's too hot for me to go out.

June 9, 2005, Thursday
I'm now exactly 4 months old.  For the 1st time I laughed out like a big kid.  Everyone seemed surprised and happy.