2012年奥运会让给北京办吧 - 英国泰晤士
文章来源: 还是没笔名2008-11-27 05:55:20

英媒旗舰泰晤士报今天发表署名文章 - 2012年奥运会让给北京办吧


From The Times by Alice Miles November 26, 2008

Beijing - the perfect site for the 2012 Games

As ministers argue whether to cut housing or hospitals, we can no longer afford to throw money at the Olympics

Why can't we have this in Beijing? All the expensive stadiums are already there and the Games have been moved before: in 1906 the decision was taken to move the 1908 Olympics from Rome to London after Mount Vesuvius erupted and the Italians needed the money to rebuild Naples.


