秀秀咱们的绝活: 擦地板
文章来源: HenryLi2008-09-21 19:15:45
擦地板 is a quite regular daily household chore every family has to take, and it can be quite a task, particularly for the kitchen floor since most Chinese families cook a lot. I read people talking about how to 擦地板 some time ago in our forum, and many people thought the most effective way is to use wet towel and hands for this task. My wife used to use wet thick paper towel for cleaning the kitchen floor everyday at night after cooking. But she has to squat on the heels (蹲) to do this, and it can be quite uncomfortable if you hold that gesture for long time. I found a very effective and efficient way to clean the floor with the help of this device. You can see by yourself in this short video.

It only takes about two minutes to clean the kitchen floor every time, but about once a week, I will do this for the whole first floor tile and marble area, and that can run about 30 minutes. It's a very good exercise though.