生日祝福 - 爱的记录
文章来源: 倚门回首2010-12-15 07:05:34

    三个孩子都很有创意,卡片写的感人又真挚。儿子安画了our house (我们的家)图,上了彩,写道:Dear Dad, Thank you for loving me and praying for me. Thank you for doing Tae Kwon Doe with me...亲爱的爸爸,谢谢你爱我,为我祈祷;谢谢你和我一起打跆拳道。。。结尾还用中文写着“我爱你”。Jessica的卡片 To my host Dad (给我的东道主爸爸)写了一页多,很风趣、真诚,读了很感动!(感谢上帝将这么好的孩子Jessica放入我们的生活!)Jessica卡片署名用了中英文,杰明立刻辨认出并准确读出了Jessica的中文名。

   霏的卡片上写着:To Dad - best dad in world! (给爸爸 - 世界上最好的爸爸!) From the most loving admirer (来自最爱你的崇敬者)。卡片里的内容图文并茂,(在霏同意下),记录于此:

10 reasons I love dad:                     

1. He helps me with chess.                
2. He loves me/cares for me.
3. He is the best dad - BEST, I mean it
4. He corrects me, friendly
5. He knows what is best for me.
6. He provides for me and the family
7. He is ready to help me.
8. He and mom introduced me to Christ -- most/best of all
9. He taught me how to swim and many other things
10. He is funny - hahaha
11. ect. -- and many other things

Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Dear Dad,
May your B-day be a roller-coaster of fun!!! I love you very much, and may you have a precious birthday with nice memories. Hope you like the GIFTS!! May your special day be filled with joy and happiness.
Dad - loving, caring, funny, smart, amazing, not a cook :-), but that is ok (He is still awesome!)
God bless you on your birthday...
Love from your admirer, princess, reading rabbit, and most loving...


1. 他教我国际象棋
2. 他爱我/关心我
3. 他是最好的爸爸- 最好的,真的
4. 他纠正我,友好地
5. 他知道什么对我来说是最好的
6. 他供养我和我们家
7. 他总是乐意帮助我
8. 他和妈妈将基督介绍给我 - 最好的祝福
9. 他教我游泳和其它运动
10. 他很幽默
11. 等等 - 不胜枚举

腓力比书 4:4: 你们要靠主常常喜乐。我再说,你们要喜乐。

爸爸 - 爱、关心、风趣、聪明、令人惊讶、不是厨师(但没有关系,他仍然很棒),最好的爸爸 :-)

 I Thank God for a Husband Like You. 
Blessed is the man whose strength is in you. Psalm 84:5

What a gift of a husband          
God's given me in you...

Someone to grow in faith with me, 
Someone who's a man of character,

Who steps up to the plate         
and does the hard things,

the important things              
that sometimes need doing in life.

What a strong, supportive source of love
and encouragement you are.         
On your birthday and always,     

may you know                       
how much you mean to me.


轻舟 to 杰明:

Seasons change             
Weather varies             
Year in, year out          
new joy every day.         

Loving prayers, faithful support
My rock in storm                
Day in, day out                 
True love forevermore.          


