文章来源: 倚门回首2010-08-31 20:21:26



8/28/2010     Saturday (星期六)      Sunny (晴)


   Jessica seems to get over jet lag quickly. Last night the school had a nice Movie night. We got to watch "Letters to God", which was very moving. Jessica met her future classmates. One of them was also an international exchange student and she was from Korea. The movie was about a boy named Tyler who had got brain cancer and how he prayed and communicated with God through letters during his difficult time. He was joyful and grateful in the midst of hardship. He died peacefully in the end but his story touched many lives. Tyler's grandmother said nicely in the movie, "I see the glimpse of eternity through Tyler."


   It is a beautiful Saturday. Fei just took some pictures for Jessica with the background of our garden flowers. Life is so beautiful and we are grateful for everyday. 







Jessica 随笔:
