文章来源: 雨滴2008-07-13 18:05:04

刚和儿子的老师 meeting 回来, 想请教这里的父母怎样看待和帮助心智超前的孩子.

老师说3年级快9岁的儿子 "is an exceptional good student. He is very advanced in his acdemic study. He can get board with what other students is learning, It may not satisfy him even with the extra advanced assignments. I do not want him to become passive in learning... He gets along and play well with his classmates. But..." 老师举了一些例子说儿子的心理成熟也高于同龄人,比如老师给儿子 sticker to reward his good work, 儿子说他想做好, 不需要用 sticker 来鼓励他. 他对许多事情的看法也不像3年级的学生而更接近成年人. 老师担心他过早失去童真, 会曲高和寡. 我们town 的学校没有 program for gifted children. 问我们要不要让儿子直接上5年级. 受这个坛的理念的影响我们没接碴儿.

儿子读很多书, 去年已读完所有的 Henry Poter. 他也玩很多games. Sports 一直参加. Basket ball, soccer, baseball 没停过. 除了在家每天教他10分钟中文外我从来不抓他的学习. LG比我强,每天还看看他的homework. 在他这个年龄儿子也有不少白人好朋友. 他的一个同班同学就住我们隔壁, 俩人玩的很好. 但儿子和比他大4岁的同学的哥哥却是更好的朋友. 和同班同学可以一起打球打两个小时, 但和同学的哥哥却可以聊上两个小时.

在家儿子是个 sweet, innocent 和淘气的孩子. 在 After school, 儿子是个 popular kid and good playmate. 男孩们很佩服儿子的 gameboy knowledge, Yo-Giyo 和他的棋艺. 小孩上厕所要求找2个 budy 一起去. 儿子有时2个小时内被叫6-7次. 在学校儿子是个好学生, 但过于严肃, 过于成熟. 他的超前让我们又欣慰又担心.

From A-mao 
There are many private schools to choose. Do your research to find the right one. Some are excellent.   

from G6PD

From soccermom
Guiding the Gifted Child: A Practical Source for Parents and Teachers (Paperback)
by James T. Webb (Author), Elizabeth A. Meckstroth (Author), Stephanie S Tolan (Author)


这类孩子最大的问题是社交,他们需要同等智力水平的朋友. 否则尽管能与人相处融洽,但内心终究感到孤独,他们需要寻找同类。

From 贪玩

回答: 不太同意,既然有时间,到觉得该发展些他不擅长的。G6PD2007-03-14 19:40:07




这是难题。一些人就自己教了,一些人进天才班,跳级. 由于学校不是主要为这类小孩服务的,没有很理想的方法。



From Sound 中年了从结果上看,全面的人好像更成功些。

From  -纸老虎-

Is you son is the only child in your family? If so, he may be maturer than other kids at his age. Because he communicates with adults(parents) more than kids. You also mentioned that you treated him like an adult. My daughter is maturer than other girls at her age. She is the only child in the family. We also talked to her sometimes like she is an adult. I tried not to do that too much, but you can not control that well, because we have plenty time to talk. I read a newspaper article about only one child in a family: if there is only one child in the family the kid will be maturer than kids with siblings. I am not sure if your son is the case. But I believe he is talented and in a good direction. Do not worry about that.