七岁的儿子给 Santa 写的信
文章来源: 雨滴2008-06-14 23:08:57

我们比较懒, 昨天才在儿子的督促下装扮好圣诞树. 七岁的儿子一边给 Santa 写信, 一边说: "我应该给 Santa 一个礼物". 说完颠颠地跑到自己的房间找出一个小小的铃噹. 他说: "这个 Jingo Bell 是给 Santa 挂在 Ring Deer 上的." 之后认认真真地完成了给 Santa 的信:

Dear Senta,

This bell is for you. Senta, Look under the Christmas tree to find it. Hope you'll like it. Can you answer these questions? How old are you? When were you born? Do you buy or make toys? This is what I want for Christmas, Senta, Bionicle Keetogu.

一开始儿子说起想跟 Senta 要 Bionicle Keetogu ($28.99) 时我对他说你向 Senta 要便宜一点的礼物, 这样 Senta 可以用钱给更多的小朋友买礼物. 这个爸爸妈妈可以给你买. 儿子小头摇的象货朗鼓. 他说:" Senta 不买礼物. 他有 millions elves make toys for him." 我说: "Oh, 是这样的啊". 于是乎有了儿子 Do you buy or make toys? 的问题. 儿子也问过我们: "真有 Senta?" 我们说:"是的!"

Senta 的回信 (http://www.emailsanta.com/):



#1, Rudolph Way

XXX                                                                         North Pole, Canada

United States                                                            HOH OHO

Monday, December 12, 2005

What a nice surprise xxx!

Rudolph loves the bell very much. He just asked me to say 'Hi!' to you! 

HO!! Ho!! ho!!  So you'd like to know how old Santa is?  Well, let's see.  I guess I'm as old as my nose and a wee bit older than Mrs. Claus!!  (And that's all Mrs. Claus will let me say about that!  *wink*). Do I buy or make toys? I make a lot toys all year long. Elves are great helpers.  I also buy toys with money donated by people all over the world.

Well bless my whiskers, XXX!  I still remember bringing you your Christmas present Bionicle Keetongu. I hope you are getting excited about Christmas. I hear you've been a REALLY REALLY good boy.  (Of course, you won't mind if I do a little checking, will you?)

Oh! Oh!  I guess I better go because one of the elves just unplugged the Northern Lights again!  Take care XXX and only 13 more sleeps until Christmas!!
Merry Christmas XXX With All My Heart