In the News: Bill Clinton sorry for \'scumbag\' remarks
文章来源: internuts2008-06-05 10:58:58
This isn't from today but a few days ago from CNN. I like a few buzz words Bill used....
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Hillary Clinton's campaign has apologized for "inappropriate" language used by her husband in response to what it called an "outrageously unfair" article about the former president.

The article, by Vanity Fair magazine's national editor Todd Purdum, suggested that Bill Clinton's personality had changed since his 2004 heart bypass surgery and said that there were reports of Clinton "seeing a lot of women on the road."

"He's sleazy," Clinton responded. "He's a really dishonest reporter."

Clinton said he had not read the article but that he was told that "there's five or six just blatant lies in there. But he's a real slimy guy." Watch Larry King panel debate Bill Clinton's response »

Calling Purdum a "scumbag," Clinton said "he's one of the guys that propagated all those lies about Whitewater for Kenneth Starr. He's just a dishonest guy -- can't help it."...

Three little words but nice to know:
sleazy - shabby, dirty...
slimy - 粘糊糊的,讨厌的,
scumbag - 卑鄙小人, A person of poor judgement and no class

For ex.
She called him sleazy.
She is so slimy. she probally has the secret of the ooze.
In any event, I agree with Mike - Harry Reid is a lying scumbag.