文章来源: MomKelly2009-03-15 23:17:38
那天给女儿买了她喜欢的玩具,女儿高兴极了。我赶紧不失时机地表表功,“看妈妈多好啊!” 女儿却说:“是啊,但你有时候对我YELL 呢?” 我说:“你瞧,妈妈做了那么多好事,你不记得,怎么就记得跟你YELL 呢?”你猜她怎么说?“I remember your good part。But when you yelled, you hurt my feelings. I remember it so when I want to open my mouth and yell at you, I think how I felt when you yelled at me. I know you would feel the same way, so I close my mouth and stop yelling.” 顿时说的我哑口无言,无地自容。但对小女孩的说法很是佩服,直对老公说,咱这女儿厉害!厉害!老公却不以为然,他说六岁的孩子这样会狡辩,也太自作聪明了,将来要吃亏的。你们说呢?