Google! I look down upon you!!!
文章来源: 东蓠菊友2010-01-19 11:51:13

The biggest news recently in both China and USA was Google threats to abort its business in China if the Chinese government doesn’t stop requiring Google to filter sensitive search content for websites. I was shocked and felt bad when I heard the news. Google declares that its goal is to build a free web world. At that time, Google was like a hero that stands against the Chinese government. However, after I read the article on a Chinese website (see attachment ), I was even more shocked by Google’s malice insult to China and the Chinese people. If you type “Chinese people” on Google, a search prompt:”CHINESE PEOPLE EAT BABIES” shows up as the top link with 1,580,000 results. Everybody knows China is a country that has death penalty. If a person who dare to eat baby in China, he will be sentenced to the death penalty. The news pop out on Google consisted of pictures showing an Asian man eating some food shaped like a baby. We don’t know where this news is from and how real it is. I have never heard anything like this in my life.

The site says“There are too many doubts cast on the Chinese fetus eating story for any thinking person to accept it as true. There is the lack of an original verifiable source. The tabloid in which the story first appeared is now defunct, and no other verifiable sources are provided. There is the lack of physical evidence, for instance, a copy of the menu on which the supposed fetus dish appears. There is the testimony of Judie Brown, of the American Life League, stating that the clinics mentioned in Bruce Gilley's article do not exist. And there is the complete lack of follow up on a topic that warrants it.”Let’s see how Google manipulate search prompts to spread racial slanders, political bias, and malice invective to China and Chinese people on the web.

Here is an article from Last Kim on that shows “This video shows how Google manipulate search prompt to spread racial slander upon Chinese people.The video records that whenever a user input "Chinese people", Google would prompt the user to search "Chinese people eat babies". It is very strange for such an obvious racial slander to be the number 1 prompt on a prominent search engine claiming "do no evil". Let us then to do a simple analysis (by using Google’s own search insight to see how this racial slander jumps up to be #1.According to Google’s analysis, it turns out that since December 2009 "Chinese people eat babies" has been frequently searched by USA users. Further investigation reveals that the well educated Californians (from one of the richest states) are mostly interested this term. You may wonder how it could be possibly be. California is actually the friendliest state to Chinese people and there is a very large Chinese population there. Wait a minute!! Where does Google's headquarter (search databases) reside? California!!!Now you get the big picture: Google is manipulating its search frequency database to spread racial slander upon Chinese People! Right around its hyper of withdrawing its business in China because of censorship and cyber attack!Google == doing evil

Let’s check a second forum: Here are the Google searching result:

 1). Open up your google.comType in "I am scared of". Google fills in "I am scared of Chinese people".

2). Now type in "Chinese people". Google gives you "Chinese people eat babies".2. you may type three Chinese words, meaning "female", "infant" and "soup", and this is the result:nn(WARNING: HORRIFIC GRAPHIC IMAGES!)nn女婴+汤&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a

3). On, enter "百", the Chinese character for "hundred", the first character of "Baidu", the Google’s biggest enemy in China market, the market leader in China, you get:"Baidu is trash".

4). Now try "胡", Character for "HU", you get "Hu Jian Tao is corrupt".Lastly, Let’s look at this article I mention on Chinese website: listed a number of examples that Google manipulates the search prompts including the examples I mentioned above such as: Chinese people eat babies, I am scared of Chinese people, Baidu is trash, Chinese government official are the most shameless group in the world, Chinese communist party death(中国共产党亡), free Tibet…

Google uses these fake search results to express its bias, racist and stupid political attitude. This article also did a very detail graphic analysis about how Google manipulates the search prompt by time and location. It seems that Google love to put anything on the top list that would ruin China’s reputation and insult the Chinese people. As a loser in the China market, Google uses its malicious way to express their anger to a country and their people.

Google’s behavior is not a new and single case. It has become very popular to spread dirty rumor to China and Chinese people for a long time. Western media have already done this to China and the Chinese people for many years. The media in the US or in Europe or any other western county has routinely showing negative Chinese news in front pages of newspaper and internet website. If you watch the news on TV, ninety nine percentage of the news about China is negative in all segments of China such as the China products poisoned the world people, China threaten world peace, China has no human rights, China has no freedom, China plundered resource in Africa, China corrupted, China collapsed, China oppressed Tibet people… When Chinese people were killed in China by Uygur Muslim extremist and Tibetan separatist, Western media not only ignored the bloody facts of their public killing but criticized the Chinese people and government treating Uygur and Tibetan poorly. The Western reporters only interested in reporting scandalous news about China and Chinese people. If no bad news can be reported, bad news about China and Chinese people will be created so that the western media may continue its propaganda. It has become a fashion to anti-China or anti-Chinese so that there is a public enemy of the western world. Not just Demagogues and western country governments but also movie stars and large business firms joined in this huge anti-China work force. Any Anti-China Muslim extremist and Tibetan separatist will get great media attention and financial aid from western country immediately as soon as they put the “human rights” sticker on their face. On the contrary to what western media advocated: free and fair speech, there is only one voice in the western world about China: negative publicity. Most positive voices and praise about China and Chinese people are suppressed. Western countries require China to build democracy like they do. However, they forgot their democracy was built on the foundation of opium, black slaves and pirates. Democracy is only good for the Caucasian world but a disaster to most of countries especially in Africa and South America. All they are doing is to realize their prophecy – China collapses as China is one of the few countries that don’t follow western standards and values. In doing so western media have lifted a rock only to drop on their own feet. Western media had lost faith in China and Chinese people. In contrast, there were countless Western media admirers in China in the decade of 1980. Many Chinese would stay up in midnight to listen to foreign radio news such as “the voice of America”. Thanks for the internet and the increasing number of Chinese living abroad in the western countries, Chinese started to witness how the western world insulted China and its people. Modern Chinese find out that no matter how friendly they are, they are always treated as evil doers by the western world. If you look at recent statistic, the numbers of western admirers in China has not only dramatically dropped but most Chinese people started question and criticize western media’s biases. The biggest media loser in China is CNN as they became notorious in China for creating fake Tibetan news and pictures to fool the American public. When people in China criticize fake news and fake people, people always say: You are too CNN, Don’t be CNN… There is no doubt Google is going to become another CNN losing its credibility and reputation in China also.

From the above examples, we felt that Google hates China and its people. Sadly, it is totally contrary with what Google CEO Eric Schmidt says: I love China and Chinese people. On one hand Google is an advocate for fair and free web world, on the other hand, Google wants to manipulate the search prompts and search results. Let’s say one day if the Chinese government releases control of the internet in China, I cannot imagine how much malice insults and biased political search results will appear on its websites in China. Western media have already imposed their biased political viewpoints to the western people. Western people has been brainwashed by western media with evil China news. This is also the reason that anti-China Muslim extremist and Tibetan separatist can receive so much support from western countries. No government will allow highly biased political viewpoints to overturn its government systems and brainwash its people. There are probably more malice insults to China and the Chinese people by Google that has not been easily identified by anyone yet. However, the examples shown above have demonstrated that there are enough evidence to depict how Google hates China and Chinese people. One week ago I was still an admirer of Google as I was planning to buy a Google phone. Now I am cheering for the Google’s abortion in China and I plan to buy an iphone instead even it is much more expensive. Google you deserve it! I believe most of the Chinese people have the same feeling like me after finding out your real face. If this is only a market strategy that Google declares to exit china market, I would say: Google you almost succeeded. Google won big admirers in China after declare the news, however, one week later, Google has lost its faith on me. The above article about Google manipulated search prompts has already spread in the China internet. Google may lose its faith and market in China forever if Google doesn’t change its malice insults to China and the Chinese people. One day, we may hear: Don’t be Google! You are too Google! Google = doing evil…

Now I also finally understand why Google cannot compete with Chinese search engines such as Western Medias has concluded that Google cannot compete with BAIDU because is supported by the Chinese government. They feel that the Chinese people are all brainwashed by its government so that they only use instead of to search for websites. Google is infatuated by its victory in US and other countries in the world. Most people think Google is acting as an objective and independent business pioneer in the internet search engine as it depicts itself as an American icon for democracy and freedom. As a popular searching engine, it should be fair, un-bias, non-political and independent. However, after you remove its mask, it is just a cocky political puppet and China market loser. It never seriously self-criticize why it cannot compete with BAIDU, instead it tried to use political power and other unfair methods to fulfill its ambition in China. I use to search Chinese most of time. Why? Because the results from Baidu are more precise and the search prompts are more accurate. I also obtained more related results than I search Google. Chinese culture is broad and deep, it is not as simple as to use only technology to occupy the China market. You have to love China history and the Chinese culture to understand Chinese needs. For a firm that hates Chinese people and China so much, how dare you require Chinese people to embrace you? For a firm that is full of racist, bias, and political puppets, who will expect its search results, will be fair and accurate? I want to represent the millions of Chinese people to tell Google: Google, you make me look down upon you!

Possible reasons that Google insult China and Chinese:

1. Google cannot compete with Baidu so it takes its anger out on China and Chinese people.

2. Google cannot get what it wants from Chinese government so it takes its anger out on China and Chinese people.

3. A number of people on Google management team and board are racist or communist abhorrer or free Tibet puppets.

4. It is unlikely that these actions has no back up from management team/board as few engineers who hate China and Chinese will not have power to do such a big falsification on Google web. However we cannot exclude such possibilities. Racist /communist abhorrer/free Tibet puppets can exist in any race. There is a group we should pay attention is Indians. As those word phrases on search prompts are frequently used by Indians to against Chinese. Some Indians love to use these words to insult Chinese in both school and work. I heard a lot of stories about the Indian students and Indian engineers in Chinese private parties. Indians have elitist as they feel they can speak “good English” like American (although people may not understand their strong accent most of time). On the other hand, they are also very jealous the achievements in China as China has drawled most attentions in the world comparing with India. To make themselves feel better, they love to say these words to insult Chinese colleagues. It is not a secret that Indian cannot get along with Chinese colleagues in many companies. Google has huge numbers of Indian engineers and management people. They may use this way to express their despite to China and Chinese People. Anyway, this is only my wild guess.