文章来源: Sweet巧克力2010-04-18 15:11:57

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虽然故事的某些情节的编排有些牵强, 但是对于喜欢唯美的我来说, 仍惊讶于影片中的浪漫的诗意.  美丽的风景, 气质脱俗的男女主人公, 在有些伤感的音乐背景中缓缓地向人们展开

歌手伴着吉它轻声地吟唱着, 偶尔加入的大提琴深沉的声音, 还有钢琴那轻轻的, 如雨滴般的伴奏, 让人情不自禁地走进这雨中

伴着外面潇潇的春雨,  我一直在听, 在听

雨打在窗子上, 玻璃上笼罩着一片水雾, 在朦胧中, 我只看到了外面的一片绿色.

这也许就是爱情的颜色? 浪漫和希望, 充满了生命的力量.

 Maybe sometime could be here again
Trying to find out we don't know yet

Maybe it's something to make us come around
The rain will be something to let me calm down

There is silence flowing around me in the air
When you're apart

Maybe it's something to make you turn around
The raining is something just holding me now

I know that you wonder where we stay around
Maybe I found you always here in my mind

It's falling around me, I'm feeling like lost in time
I'm waiting behind you, just don't let me down

You're running away now, you're sinking in flowing time
The raining reminds me of your smile, don't bring me down
