年末出游~(总结)Princess Cruises游未央
文章来源: 玲_珑_心2011-06-08 08:54:56
在离开机场时,我们顺便电了游轮,告诉他们我们无法成行。客服让我们致fax给他们解释这次的遗憾,没准可以退款活credit。Date: 1/4/2011 Dear Princess Cruises,This fax number was given to me by a Princess Cruises representative when I called the customer service number last week to cancel my booking (3DXQVP) for the South Caribbean Classic cruise that departed from San Juan on Sunday, 12/26.This would have been my second cruise with Princess, and my girlfriend, Ling, and I were very excited for the cruise. Unfortunately, our connecting flight from Newark to San Juan on 12/26 was cancelled due to the impending blizzard, and we could not get confirmed on a later flight to San Juan until late Thursday night. Ling and I tried to fly standby the following day, hoping to catch a plane to Tortola or Antigua from San Juan and board the cruise in one of those ports. However, all flights to San Juan on the following day were cancelled as well. Trying to explore all options, we also attempted to change our itinerary to fly directly to Antigua on Wednesday, 12/29, but we could not get confirmed on this flight either and, moreover, the airport had misplaced our suitcase so we could not retrieve it and try to fly standby. Seeing no possible way to catch up with the cruise, I called Princess late Monday night and cancelled my reservation.The agent that I spoke with advised me to send a fax to this number to inquire about the possibility of requesting a refund/credit, given the circumstances under which we had to cancel our trip. We understand that Princess is not obligated to provide this, but we would, of course, be very grateful for it.Please feel free to contact me via email or phone regarding this matter.Thank you,WAHAHA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~我们尽力了,最终没有拿到任何好处,游轮新年提前结束。31日傍晚我们回到了south station。上地铁前去海之味打包了一个猪扒饭,一个炒粉。哇哈哈爸妈把我们接去了他们那里,于是share了我们的年夜饭。所以,无论是liz一家还是哇哈哈的家人都因为我们不能成行过了一个有surprise又热闹的新年假期,当然我们的也不赖。