Star Scopes (11/5/10 - 11/11/10)
文章来源: 南山松2010-11-05 17:06:55

Star Scopes (11/5/10 - 11/11/10)

Author: James Tucker

Aries - March 21-April 19

The living brilliance in your heart and spirit is ready to awaken and carry you to great new heights. Remove any obstacles from your path and move forward. What are you waiting for? Very few things in life hold an Arian down for long. Give birth to your burning desires and let the magic begin.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Your spiritual connections are always your best. They speak the truth. Your judgment has never been better. Why? Because your instincts tell you what needs to happen first before the mind gets in the way. Patience is one of the keys to understanding. Then the "aha" comes. Now success is on the way.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

Stay focused on your top goals and priorities. Then take action. Positive results are sure to follow. Just be patient and watch for the signs that your choices are blessed and are in alignment with your divine purpose. The reason outer rewards don't happen is because of not listening to inner guidance. Slow down.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

It's in the giving and receiving that balance is created in life. Get a positive roll going. Set your heart on a right course and follow it through to completion. This is life at its best when you are headed in the right direction, following your heart and doing what you truly love. You, above all others, have the gift to do this.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

You always lend a helping hand. The question is, do you let others know about your needs? Do you ever ask for help when needed? You are not an isolated island, you know. Many love you and want to share. As we grow emotionally we should let others in and express gratitude. True happiness depends on it.

Virgo-Aug.23-Sept. 22

You will make it through life, no matter how many challenges come your way. Why? Because you never give up. You hang in there. You finish your races. You win your share. If we don't finish what we start we never win anything. You are a winner in life. Just be sure to take care of you own needs, as well.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct.22

The present activities you are placing in motion have an excellent chance of succeeding. Your decision-making skills are strong right now. Hold off on less important ones. Ask for divine timing to bless you. Be sure to let others know how much you appreciate them. This insures divine timing and lots of respect.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Set goals as an individual and as a team and move forward toward even greater adventures. You are a pioneer in the great quest of life. Refuse to let the world hold back your visions and your dreams. You have it in you to do great things. Only fear and indecision will hold you back. It's time to go for it. You can do it.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Turn within and listen for wise answers. When you hear, trust and act on them, you are at your best. Your life is about love and compassion. You love sharing with others who have great heart. Your greatest joy is making others happy. Stay on the happy side of life. This is spirit. Refuse to let the world pull you down.


The universe is there to help resolve family issues and challenges. Now is a good time to address feelings and emotions you have been burying. All that is needed is to ask and then wait for the answer to come. You are too great to have to carry too many questions for too long. Ask and you will receive.

Aquarius-Jan 20-Feb. 18

You love to have two things going at once. Why? It's because you have an inexhaustible supply of ideas and possibilities. This brings you to a balanced nature. Just remember that sometimes less is more. Keep refining and redefining. You have greatness in your soul. Bring it out and set it free.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

You are made of pretty heady stuff. First is your love of work, family and friends. No one is greater or deeper than you. You are the best. Just know that the storms of life will always pass. The key is whether we give up or hang in there. You have to hang in there and keep on going. Your future happiness depends on it.