Star Scopes (7/4/08 ~7/10/08)
文章来源: 南山松2008-07-04 08:23:54

Star Scopes (7/4/08 ~7/10/08)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

Finding quality time for yourself, amid all your other responsibilities, continues to be a challenge. The biggest need right now would be to find positive “stress busters.” Make time each week to do three things you love that have nothing to do with work. This, you good nature and awesome courage continue to move you through challenges time after time. New, better days are on the way.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Let petty annoyances slide you off with out affecting and making you react. Try to stay centered when things don’t go right. Refuse to clutter your life with habits, attitudes and things outdated or unnecessary. Clean out the closets in your home and in your mind. You don’t have to be all things to all people anymore. You thrive best when under pressure, but everyone needs a break sometimes. Your time is now.

Gemini-May 21-June 21

You are always learning new things about yourself, others and human nature. Go back to school and take a psychology course. You would do well at it. It’s all because of your strong power of communication. You listen as well as talk. This makes you popular, respected and successful. Continue to crate your own reality. Hold fast to you ideals. You are a positive force to be reckoned with.

Cancer-June 22-July 22

Refuse to let negative behavior sidetrack you from your goals. Create your own magic. Pull your ideas from the mind and plant them in your heart. Feed, water and protect them. You will soon begin to see new life around you. You are at the growing stage. Be sure to give yourself quality time each day so balance is maintained. Good is coming your way.

Leo-July 23-Aug.22

Your renewed energy and self-esteem continue to move you closer to your goals. This is similar to the pattern of your energy field two years ago at this time. It’s like history repeating itself. It’s a matter of choices. Feed positives; increase positives. Give vent to negative attitudes, habits; increase them. Keeping a strong focus on your own life’s interests and moving forward is the real challenge at this time.

Virgo-Aug.23-Sept. 21

No matter what has happened to you in the past, there is always a second chance. The past year has given you many challenges to deal with, handle bravely and overcome. You have done a fantastic job. Now, understand that when a door shut, a better one is waiting to open. Your strong spirit refuses to give up. This is one of your great qualities. When the chips are down, you are at your best.

Libra-Sept. 22-Oct. 21

It’s good that you have taken control of your own life. Now, it is easier to know when to let others in to advise you. It’s your choice. You will now see that you are more at peace. You will feel less stressed. You have earned more respect. Your have more time for you. You are happier. The list goes on. Wise choices earn respect. Respect is the foundation of love, personal growth and honor. Wow, you’ve got it!

Scorpio-Oct. 22-Now 21

Your strong sense of direction has returns. Refuse to let doubt, fear or indecision hold back a superior mind like yours. Plan ahead, but live one day at a time. This keeps your from procrastinating on them most important thins. Stay calm and make a balanced plan of activities. Ask for help or advise form trusted friends when you need it. There’s no reason to be isolated now.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec.21

You have so much to be thankful for. You have a good mind, a great heart and a strong spirit. All you hard work in life has made your strong physically as well. Your decision-making skills have never been stronger. You listen more to your inner guidance. Your friends are legion. You have lived an interesting life. With all that you’ve done and know, your best and fruitful years are yet to come.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan 19

You have things going your way. Standing up for your beliefs is working. You never give up in your dream. You are just a few steps away from seeing the gates of prosperity open and reward you for all your past efforts. The recent time spent refining your creative skills and talents will bring you great and such deserved rewards in the near future.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your love of life is contagious. You have such desire and passion to excel. This great attitude will always pull you through no matter what challenges life serves you. You have such high-mindedness that no matter what else is going on around you, you will figure out the right thing to do for yourself and other. Try not to take on so many new responsibilities. Delegate to others and you will stay in balance.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

You have such an inexhaustible supply of good will toward others. You will always know the right things to say and do. Your timing is impeccable. Why? It’s your great heart and willingness to go the second mile. There is no greater team player than you. You demonstrate this with your family, work associates and many friends. Your high heart will continue to bring you life’s greatest rewards.