文章来源: 歌儿2009-04-21 05:41:14

1. 冬令时:出了趟国,短短十天,回来却感觉象是完全换了一季。走前还温暖明亮着,可以穿短袖衫上街,晚上7点也还勉强算得白天,回来后夏令时已经趁我不在结束掉了,下午5点多就已经差不多全黑了下来,加上最近一场接一场的下雨,自然也是一场秋雨一场寒。这样的天气就算读再多关于春暖花开的文章也还是免不了让人感到有些郁闷。希望周末是个好天气,计划去蓝山看秋色,让自己振作一下。

2. Twitter: 自从我三周前第一次听说了Twitter, 我就没完没了的从各种各样的渠道听人说起Twitter. 这是什么效应?

3. 豆芽菜:前天晚上临睡前去炒了个豆芽菜,一直没吃,今天晚上拿出来吃,才发现原来十分美味。美味到我必须要为豆芽菜记上一笔的程度。

4. 900澳元:今天听电视里说澳洲已经正式进入depression了。澳洲政府为了刺激经济,给每个纳税人白送900澳元。今天收到通知,我的900澳元已经到账了。正好上个月买了个新炉子,加上安装费差不多正好这个数目,这么看起来,这个新炉子就算是澳洲政府送给我的礼物吧。政府送钱是为了刺激消费,我这钱就算已经花了,尽了我纳税人的义务,希望澳洲的经济能早点好起来。虽然我还背着房贷,但真的不希望利息再继续降下去了。

5. 博客:流星今天发表了停博通知,无名的博客也停了好久了,三丰子的博客开了关,关了开,开了又关。不知道为什么我从来没有兴起过停博的念头,就这么写下去,不知道从梅花体,将来会发展成什么别的体。看起来还是我这种自私的博客容易长久。

6. This is like needing glasses:周末的时候看Grey’s Anatomy, 里面演到Erica Hahn 和Callie Torres第一次在一起过夜后,Erica Hahn 对她的体验的描述,印象很深刻。

Yep, I'm gay — Erica sits up, wide-eyed and joyous, and tells Callie it's never been like this before. Not with men. Not in her whole adult life. Not ever. Callie smiles uneasily.

Erica: This is like needing glasses.
Callie: [laughs] I blinded you?
Erica: No. When I was a kid, I would get these headaches. And I went to the doctor and they said that I needed glasses. I didn't understand that. It didn't make sense to me because I could see fine. And then, I get the glasses and I put them on. And I'm in the car on the way home, and suddenly, I yell. Because the big green blobs that I've been staring at my whole life? They weren't big green blobs – they were leaves… on trees. I could see the leaves.

Erica: And I didn't even know that I was missing the leaves. I didn't even know leaves existed. And then… leaves! You are glasses. I am so gay. I am so, so, so gay. I am extremely gay!