文章来源: 歌儿2008-07-02 00:42:18

My life has two sides, one side is full of fun (Side A) and the other side is full of shit (Side B). I can only be on one side at a time, fortunately today I am on Side A and I hope I can stay here for as long as I could. This side is rather slippery but I forgot to bring my track shoes when I struggled on this morning.

Went out to have Thai lunch with a group of colleagues for APK's baby shower. It was nice. My legend was brought up on the lunch table once again by Fiona. When she was going to celebrate her 40th birthday a couple of years ago, she told me she was going to have some plastic surgery done as a birthday treat. Then of course I asked her if she was going to get a nose job. After that all her family and almost everyone in the Institute where we work for heard the story that I was suggesting her to get a nose job. See? I am famous. Apparently she was thinking about Botox when she mentioned the plastic surgery but I reminded her that her nose is a little too big for a small lady like her.

Then to make myself more famous I told them another story of mine. We had a colleague whose name is Sue. She is very slim and beautiful and of course very fit. One day when I met her in one of our staff meetings, I suddenly noticed that her belly was popping out quite a lot. I am usually quite dumb in terms of noticing people's change of figure shapes, therefore I was quite happy about myself that I did notice her pregnancy. I grabbed the first chance I could and asked her when the baby was due. What happened next? I would never ask anyone that question again.