也谈 “buy low and sell high”
文章来源: 美西游子2010-06-08 15:03:56

The question is this. How low is low and how high is high? As investor, you don’t want to buy at low without support (catch falling knife) and sell at high without resistance (stop fast train). Here comes my words.

与其说 “buy low and sell high” – 价 , 不如说是 “buy floor and sell ceiling” – 势 . 股市变幻莫测,扑朔迷离,投资者如何把握 floor and ceiling, i.e. “the TREND”, 才是赚钱的关键。 所谓,新手看价,老手看势。 偶以为,与任何投资一样,股市投资没有绝对的真理,什么意思? Whatever works for you is RIGHT no matter others agree or disagree.

该出场时必出场, 该割肉时必割肉,有时卖比买还要难。

赚钱才是硬道理。 然而,“做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事 ”, 不是吗?