这位无论是怎么看,从照片上或是从数字上,可都不像美国总统呀。 (图)
文章来源: StillH2ORunDeep2008-10-21 14:00:40

麦凯恩夫妇出席集会。Senator John McCain, with his wife, Cindy, during a rally at a factory in Bensalem, Pa., on Tuesday. Candidates Face Off Over Economic Plans。By JEFF ZELENY and ELISABETH BUMILLERPublished: October 21, 2008. Obama Appeal Rises in Poll; No Gains for McCain TicketBy MEGAN THEE,Published: October 20, 2008. 纽约时报比较在过去的一个月中选民对两个总统候选人的印象的变化。 当选民了解参议员奥巴马后, 他们对他有好的印象(warmed up to him),一半以上, 53%,现在说他们有一个良好的印象,只有33%说有对他不利的看法。但是,当选民了解参议员约翰麦凯恩后,只有36%的选民说,他们对他有良好的印象,而45%有不好的印象。 http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2008/10/21/us/20081021_POLL_GRAPHIC.html