Internal Audit
文章来源: chupette2008-02-20 19:39:10
Our branch hasn't been audited for 5 years. Lisa was an external hire after Mike moved to Moncton. She has completely different management style that is very open and laid back. The branch clients' satisfaction is actually improved. There has been so many turnover in the branch during the past year, an audit is long time due.

Had a mock audit by Debbie and Lisa this afternoon. It didn't event occur to me that I will be asked questions about ombundsman, CDIC, Corp. client's complain process etc. We have been concentrating on Mutual Fund compliance and USD account opening recently. There has been so many changes and restriction regarding USD acct opening, sometimes I would even consider talking client out of opening USD acct. Anyway, did OK.

Don't want to go to lunchroom for lunch anymore. I take lunch at 2pm. People would sympathize me when they heard this, but I enjoy this schedule, because after lunch the day is almost over. But the problem is Leanne is a talker, and I really don't feel like talking after 4 hours with clients. I think Lisa thinks the same. No offense Leanne, still love you. :)

Dave stormed out of his office and is planning to have the rest of the week off, after putting a note on his office door noticing other colleagues that he is busy with his deadline due this Friday, and then over heard a female staff mocking about his note. Dave takes tasks that are outside of his job description, always does a good job, but is underpaid and rarely appreciated. He told his manager Yve a few time with no response, and finally he blew up today. No matter where it is, government is a fat bureacratic machine that feed on people's laziness, and dissapoint those who wants to make it.