文章来源: 大钱门2008-02-13 13:22:05
今天MM很努力地把SPY和QQQQ推到Max Pain附近-137和45。唯有DIA超额完成任务(过了124)。现在大家要respect the market action,不要去搞什么FA,已经price in了。With rising 5ma, closed above 13ma, the market is in a midterm uptrend. 以后还会有sell off, 但熊熊不要过于wishful thinking大阴棒。就算还要有一腿要伸下去,你要逃还是来得及的,现在还没上船的要注意入场时机,不要盲目追高。SPX收在阻力线,明天也许会回抽出现买入机会。现在大部分sectors都在中期uptrend,除了金融,地产,和黄金。交通还在整理,看着像个bull flag.

盘中买入MTL和EXPE,they both had big volume up days before (if you read my blog ;-), and I am buying them at pull back.

Naz/Dow/IBD big volume up day: VRTX AMAT NTAP CMED
