She's Amazing! But....
文章来源: 楚天碧霭2007-06-16 08:50:38

Got a glimpse days ago, of the news about a little Briton girl offered a Million-Pound-Contract for her talented voice.  Didn't quite impressed at that moment, thinking it was one of the commercial routines to catch viewers' eye balls, well, to maximise the company's pocket.

HOWEVER, yeah, however, at the end of the day, or say, at the very beginning of a new day, right at the moment, I was stunned and overwhelmed, even at the edge of being moved to tear. Probably it's kind of exaggerated feeling, but it's real for sure.  She is so cute and AMAZING! The voice is as pure as if it just comes from an angel.

By the by, once the one-million-pound-a-year income is waiting for her to snatch, I couldn't help worring about her future.  Though it's totally not  my business to that extent, she is sooo cute.... she is only six years old.  How could she live up to the rest of her life? 
Would it ruin a cute, sweet little girl's ordinary life? Would it be the best way to award her surprising talent by offering a contract like this?  Would it only be the ruthless part of the market strategy?

The video is sweet, the reality world is sarcastic.  Good luck , little Connie!