文章来源: 七月光2008-02-16 21:22:02
做面包己经不是新鲜事. 曾经在Party 上看到素萍 (网名:素不相识) 做的面包那叫专业. 忙里偷闲自己也尝试了一下. 方子耒自校友Xin Winnie  好吃不好吃就是它了.

1. 备面: 发面团或从Supermarket 买成品面团分三部分. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

2. 备馅: 将Dry milk 半包加1/3 的Butter 及少许糖 (自己酌情) 混合. 微波炉 2分钟融化, 混匀. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

3. 面团成片状, 包上个馅
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4. 揉成长条状, 编小辫
Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

5. 放入烤箱 170 度,30分钟. 在面包表面上鸡旦清, 升温 350 度, 烤15分钟. Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic