请大家都做个自我鉴定,看有没有 Blues
文章来源: FMG2008-04-24 16:48:50

摘自医生指南: 抑郁症的自我评估,简单易行又可靠 in primary care setting. 不须 further confirmation. 看在俺一个字一个子打进博克的份上,请大家都来做个自我鉴定。我没有翻成中文,以免破坏原文的精确性。

Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems?
Not at allseveral days  Morethan half of   the daysNearly everyday
Little interest or pleasure in doing things                        0123
Trouble concentrating on things0123
Feeling down, depressed or hopeless0123
Truoble falling or staying asleep or sleep too much0123
Feeling tired or having little energy0123
Poor appetite or over eating0123
Feeling bad about yourself, feeling you are a failure or you have let your family down0123
Moving or speaking more slowly or moving a lor more than usual0123
5-9 mild depression
10-14 moderate
15-19 moderately severe
>=20 severe

请注意:男女抑郁症表现不同,自我 coping 方法也不同:

男性倾向于疲劳,易怒,对以往感兴趣的事失去兴趣,睡眠障碍,而女性则易有 feelings of sadness, worthlessness and/or excessive guilt.

alcohol or drugs 寻求安慰or become frustrated, discouraged, irritable, angry and sometimes abusive;一些男人工作更加投入来避免向朋友和家人谈起或免于被人发现他们的症状;有些男人 engage in reckless, risky behavior。就像大家说的,干点什么坏事心里就平衡了。



轻中度抑郁症最好的治疗是心理治疗psychotherapy)心理治疗包括两种cognitive–behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT)

By teaching new ways of thinking and behaving, CBT教给您怎样改变 negative styles of thinking and behaving

IPT 帮你理解and work through troubled personal relationships that may cause depression or make it worse.
