文章来源: echowenqi2005-02-24 08:44:24

today is the second day for our happy life.

Still nothing new. Eat the same breakfast, then go to scool, study till 6:00PM. and then go to class. that's the whole day. everyday is the same.So boring life.

昨天晚上睡得很早,很累,被control system 整的。一辈子都没上过这么难的课,作业也不会做,简直郁闷死了。

Today is the last day of this week cause after today i will free for 3 days. But tonight, ece642 comunication syste, is a little tough. Not the course itself, because i never learner something about communication , it is a new concept to me.

晚上回家, 做饭,吃饭,不知为什么,食之无味。昨天晚上,做的炒洋白菜,烧豆腐,老公说他很喜欢吃,很香(不过他总这么说),我持起来却是难以下咽。痛苦。


we will go to Jersey Gardens mall tomorrow's night, hopefully it will be a relax time for me. i want to relax, this week is really tired.