文章来源: 朱歌亮2009-09-05 06:17:26
World Leaders Condemn Jakarta Hotel Attacks

By VOA News
17 July 2009
There has been worldwide condemnation of the hotel bombings in Indonesia.

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd called the attacks a "barbaric" act of cowardice. Australia raised its threat alert level for Indonesia, urging its citizens to consider avoiding travel there.

US President Barack Obama (file photo)
At the White House, U.S. President Barack Obama said the Jakarta attacks make it clear that extremists remain committed to murdering innocent men, women and children of all faiths in any countries.

The U.N. Security Council condemned the bombings. The European Union expressed "deep shock" at the attacks, while the Saudi-based Organization of the Islamic Conference called them "horrific and senseless" acts of terrorism.

In Asia, Japan condemned the Jakarta attacks as "atrocious" and pledged its continuing support for the war on terror. The Philippines - itself hit by a series of deadly bombings this month - expressed similar sentiment, while Thailand condemned those who masterminded the attacks.