文章来源: 左右逢源2008-01-20 15:12:07
很简单,用CIA Worldbook 2007的数据,用GDP based on PPP 除以 Nominal GDP based on exchange rate. 所有数据以美元计价,所以美国的基数是1. 数字越大,表示该国货币越undervalued, 购买力越强。基本规律是,北欧,西欧发达国家排名靠前,亚洲非洲国家偏后,中国是3.83,也就是说用同样的钱在美国可以买到一个单位,而在中国可以买到3.83个单位的货物或服务,即一美元在美国的购买力大约相当于在中国的两个人民币。这个序列和 nominal per capta GDP 几乎是perfectly posotively correlated. 和BigMac Index也基本一致。


Norway            0.645040241

Denmark          0.705432977

Switzerland       0.729011628

Luxembourg     0.744299065

Iceland 0.763570108

Ireland  0.788514851

Sweden            0.809341383

Kuwait 0.828571429

Netherlands      0.847234043

Finland 0.865652174

France  0.865652174

Germany          0.865652174

United Arab Emirates   0.891504854

Austria 0.894831461

Belgium            0.894831461

Australia           0.897635135

United Kingdom           0.903

Canada            0.90672

Lebanon           0.910205166

Japan   0.928771285

Italy      0.936941176

Bahamas, The   0.980392157

Congo, Republic of the 0.982330495

United States    1

New Zealand    1.013684211

Spain    1.034285714

Cyprus 1.042272727

Angola 1.046466224

Singapore         1.052251656

Greece 1.137714286

Equatorial Guinea         1.150002201

Portugal            1.171176471

Gabon  1.18426834

Antigua and Barbuda    1.205357143

Bahrain 1.212903226

Jamaica            1.234152749

Saudi Arabia    1.244186047

Korea, South    1.259957795

Slovenia           1.284493202

Venezuela         1.291692737

Zambia 1.324426597

Trinidad and Tobago    1.328568421

Yemen 1.333468587

Hong Kong      1.360385289

Saint Lucia       1.384615385

Mexico 1.441666667

Israel    1.44223301

Nigeria 1.454275602

Macau  1.457468124

Malta   1.48

Croatia 1.484177215

Saint Kitts and Nevis    1.5

Estonia 1.574873737

Panama            1.587301587

Czech Republic            1.594636556

Oman   1.602083333

Chile    1.610013055

Dominica          1.636363636

Poland  1.668387097

Hungary           1.741062562

Brazil    1.754919355

Slovakia           1.758372922

Guatemala        1.810142857

Côte d'Ivoire    1.814015611

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines          1.824324324

Grenada           1.836734694

Belize   1.869158879

Lithuania           1.909583333

Romania           1.910884354

Fiji       1.923666667

Russia  1.954022989

Albania 1.955944334

Seychelles        1.964285714

Kazakhstan      1.976642107

Latvia   1.998928571

Uruguay           2.019143577

Malaysia           2.037944444

Vanuatu            2.051126993

Peru     2.112387097

Swaziland         2.15408805

Kenya  2.163895558

Cameroon        2.202697576

Benin    2.224165815

Algeria 2.249829669

Georgia            2.311688312

South Africa     2.316746575

Costa Rica       2.354593599

Jordan  2.363333333

Djibouti            2.395804771

Botswana         2.425186722

Sudan   2.442919807

Senegal            2.513773376

Macedonia, Republic of            2.523338485

Chad    2.524833317

Bulgaria            2.596

Belarus 2.606877606

Mali     2.608124969

Tanzania           2.61226108

Morocco          2.634294294

Namibia           2.673873518

Syria    2.696348461

Mauritius          2.750304083

Bolivia  2.754604811

Armenia           2.756697467

Dominican Republic      2.758546656

Colombia         2.767465327

Mongolia          2.801101824

Indonesia          2.844079143

Samoa  2.874375

Iran      2.949557268

Honduras         2.966248038

Cape Verde     2.967139001

Thailand           2.971137255

Papua New Guinea       3.004215686

Tunisia  3.025

Comoros          3.064410224

Burkina Faso    3.074782302

Moldova          3.156490385

Niger    3.171055825

Solomon Islands           3.17952381

Argentina          3.1815625

Azerbaijan        3.190714286

Haiti     3.305834018

Pakistan           3.403835307

Egypt   3.428143713

Paraguay          3.582172491

Madagascar     3.678164832

Mauritania        3.743101545

Sierra Leone     3.748844981

Ukraine            3.825757576

China   3.831730769

Sri Lanka         3.973633932

Kyrgyzstan       3.975148515

Tajikistan          4.024390244

Laos     4.029733805

Philippines        4.03511811

Tonga   4.0554

Togo    4.161411053

Guyana 4.275832622

Nicaragua         4.309313725

Guinea-Bissau  4.316428512

Uzbekistan       4.328909078

Lesotho            4.448051948

Malawi 4.762171629

India     4.798728814

Vietnam            4.869362288

Eritrea  5

Uganda            5.070745592

Rwanda            5.098789038

Ghana  5.172106658

Bangladesh       5.422702278

São Tomé and Príncipe 5.514268456

Congo, Democratic Republic of the       5.673870574

Nepal   5.71340694

Kiribati 6.038636364

Suriname          6.048773585

Cambodia        6.211208332

Gambia, The     6.261061947

Burundi            6.31127451

Turkmenistan    6.652442825

Ethiopia            6.736434109

Guinea  9.716672721